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nurse test bank

Free 2022 NCLEX Practice Questions

Become the registered nurse you've been dreaming of with vitalnursing101. Practice for your 2022 NCLEX test using the same kind of questions you’ll be answering on the actual written examination.

About the NCLEX-RN

The NCLEX-RN exam is a standardized test that each state's board of nursing uses to determine if it's safe for a person to begin practicing as an entry-level nurse. The NCLEX-RN is used for graduates of registered nursing (RN) programs.

Practice Makes Perfect

Experience the NCLEX-RN® before test day with a realistic practice test. See how you'd score, get immediate results and rationales.

Daily Free Questions

Test your nursing knowledge with daily NCLEX Test Bank questions sent to your inbox, daily for 30 days! It is easier to remember if you spread out your studies.

Get the Hang of the Test

With Vital Nursing 101's test-like questions, you'll get a look at the type of questions you might see on test day before you get to test day.


Just the Facts

Concise explanations capture everything you need to know. Use in-depth content refreshers to boost your topic knowledge.

What you'll Receive for FREE

Immediate Feedback


No need to wait until you reach the end of the test to see if your answer is right.


If you make a mistake, you will know right away.

NCLEX Exam Simulator


Designed to simulate the actual NCLEX-RN experience in every way. The most efficient way to practice for the real exam.




Detailed rationales for the correct answers. Displayed not only when you make a mistake, but also when you answer correctly, so you remember it better.

Pass School Exams


You will be preparing for both passing your nursing school exam and the NCLEX which is save you tons of time and stress.

Study Templates


Taking notes is faster, easier and helps to organize your thought process with a great template!

Unlimited Nursing Videos


No time to read your textbook? We have you covered with a library of nursing videos to help you grasp information MUCH faster.


Get free daily, frequently asked NCLEX questions, delivered to your inbox. EXCLUSIVE BONUS: You'll get tons of helpful printables, study guide templates and study tips. You don't want to miss this! We only offer this to those on our email list.

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"This test bank is good. I heard that as long as you complete 5000 question banks, you have a great chance to pass NCLEX. I have to work hard"

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